
Monday, September 2, 2019

Very Random Thoughts - August 2019

  • We now have bulletproof school backpacks. Seems we are going in the wrong direction. 
  • Do those Facebook, Twitter, and other social media petitions really have any effect or are they just clickbait to collect personal info? No, and yes.
  • Why do politicians need my donation by some artificial deadline? Does my money expire at midnight? 
  • Our stories are only memories unless they are told. 
  • It seems to me that all the good writing and interesting characters are now on TV and subscription networks. Most of the movies are just special effects and one-dimensional characters.
  • Assault type weapons and large-capacity magazines should be labeled weapons of war or weapons of mass destruction.
  • I hate the phrase "you know what I'm sayin'". It has become another crutch like "you know", "I mean", and others. Why don't you just say what you're saying?
  • I wonder when people ask a simple question on social media. Do they not know about the internet and Google, are they helpless, or are they just looking for company? 
  • Does anybody play the drums with brushes anymore? It used to be a staple of jazz drummers. 
  • Sometimes shit just happens without the benefit of any mass conspiracy. 
  • Most stuff is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Real estate, stocks, art, etc. It's all subject to a burst bubble.
  • I sometimes get stuff delivered that I forgot I ordered. Not so much the Amazon stuff that comes in a day or two. The items that standard (slow) ship from China or a Kickstarter product. It's a nice surprise. 
  • We could ban the selling of guns right now and still have a more than adequate supply for the next 200 years. 
  • Heard a guy on a food podcast mention cerveza beer. That's like pizza pie. Redundant.
  • It's funny how much new stuff was going to ruin the world, especially music. Rock & Roll, the Beatles & Stones, boys with long hair, jazz, hip-hop, etc. Civilization usually survives just fine. 
  • It's amazing how much technology you can accumulate. Chargers, cables, dongles, adapters, phones, tablets, etc. Technology changes leave a trail of obsolete equipment behind. 
  • Every time a Tom Petty song plays, I still can't believe he is dead. Free Fallin' is playing now. 
  • Shouldn't Rambo: First Blood Part II be named Second Blood or even More Blood
  • It seems to me that stupid people get way more TV time than they deserve. 
  • I'm always amazed at how may TV news and personalities are inarticulate and ill-informed. I might expect that is the 113th size market. DFW is the #5 market with over 7 million viewers. 
  • It is almost impossible to have a logical disagreement with someone's religious beliefs. Regardless of how illogical those beliefs are. 
  • Israel is a country that makes mistakes and has some questionable policies. Criticizing that country's government is not anti-Semitic.  
  • Let's remember, when folks bring up religion as a point in an argument, the church excommunicated Galileo for saying the earth orbited the sun. 
  • Why do politicians on news programs allow themselves to be shown patiently sitting by while the network says "coming up after the break" will be what's her name? It is often several segments before the actual interview takes place. 
  • Gillette has some new spiffy razors that won't irritate or cut you. Just like all their previous versions promised. 
  • My youngest son surprisingly replied to two of my texts that didn't absolutely require a response. One was "thanks" and the other was 👌. Short but it's the thought that counts. 
  • Just saw Clint Black on TV. He looks like Roy Rogers reincarnated except for the black hat. 

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