
Sunday, July 21, 2019

We All Like Some Socialism

The GOP and Trump are hellbent on branding all Democrats as socialists at the minimum and probably communists. We can add this latest scare tactic to all the other fear-mongering spouted by our president. First of all, they don't know the meaning of either socialism or communism. Here is how Merriam-Webster defines the terms.

Definition of socialism -
  1. : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
  2. : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
  3. : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
Definition of communism -

  1. : a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
  2. : a theory advocating elimination of private property
None of the Democrats are advocating the elimination of private property, no one is advocating the elimination of private enterprises. No one is advocating the elimination of capitalism. 

That being said, almost every government jurisdiction, be it a country, state, county, city, or town has elements of socialism. More properly termed government control. These are goods and services that are paid for by taxpayers and distributed to the users of these goods and services for the common good. Let's enumerate some of those. 
  • Social Security 
  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Police and fire departments including EMTs
  • Courts
  • County hospitals
  • Public schools from pre-K through college
  • Roads
  • The military
  • Water and sewers
  • Some public electric companies and co-ops
  • FEMA
  • VA
  • Food stamps
  • CHIP
There are many others. The point is, we are not a completely capitalistic or private enterprise society. We all depend on government to supply many of the goods and services we use in our daily lives. We definitely depend on government during and after catastrophic events. 

You may say, "but I pay taxes or I paid into Social Security". That is true, but you are just as likely to get more benefits than you paid for. If you have or had several kids, your family probably got more educational benefits than those who had one or no kids. If your house catches on fire, you get a fire department response regardless of your tax payments. Maybe you drive a long way to work and drive on several town maintained roads where you pay no taxes. Do you think those people who live in FEMA trailers or housing for months actually paid enough taxes to cover those expenses? If you live to be 90, you will collect way more in Social Security than you ever paid in. Thank your children and their generation for funding those payments. 

Yes, the Democrats tend to support more of these government services than Republicans. This a matter of degree, not an abandonment of capitalism or private enterprise. The latest big dustup has to do with healthcare. If you believe that healthcare is a right and not a privilege, then government involvement is required. Some people will not be able to afford their healthcare costs, be it private insurance premiums or the actual doctor, hospital, and drug fees. One proposal is Medicare for all. Progressive taxes on all would pay for the system. Some, the poor, old, and unhealthy, would get more benefits than they paid for. Other, the young, healthy, and rich may not get their full monies worth. 

Medicare for all or some other single-payer plan does not eliminate private hospitals, independent physicians, or other entities that provide health services. It is designed to provide the payments for those services, not to provide the services. As with all the current and proposed healthcare plans, the devil is in the details. Medicare for all may not be the best solution but it certainly is a better option than anything the GOP has ever proposed. 

Regardless of what healthcare legislation is passed in the future, it will not turn the US into a socialist country any more than public roads have. 

Extremism in either direction won't work. 100% capitalism is just as bad and dangerous as 100% socialism. Fortunately, if you get past the hyperbole and lies, no one is really advocating either. The debate is about the degree of each. How much laissez-faire capitalism vs how many social programs? That is the battleground we find ourselves in now just as we have been for the entire history of our country. The needle will always fluctuate. 

It would be helpful if both sides stopped portraying the other as the devil and actually worked out some compromises that can work for most if not for all. 


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