
Friday, February 1, 2019

Very Random Thoughts - January 2019

  • Do GM workers get mad when the company offers the employee discount on their cars to the public?
  • Speaking of cars, who would buy a used car from one of those internet sites that deliver them to your door. Don't you want to kick the tires before the purchase?
  • Hasn't the Gatorade dousing of the winning football coach just about run its course?
  • On January 1st, all those last chance year-end sales become last chance New Year's sales. 
  • Common sense is not evenly distributed. 
  • Personal injury lawyers (ambulance chasers) have some of the worst and most stupid TV commercials. I can't imagine choosing one of these clowns to represent me. 
  • When did we need to have a slash on sevens? 
  • Back in the old days when I had to send programming sheets to the keypunch department, we had to slash zeros (0) to distinguish from alpha O's. Believe me, computers really cared whether it was a 0 or O. When I looked back, I realized that was backward. There were far more zeros than O's in the programs source code.
  • Have you noticed that junk food is way more often on sale or has coupons than the healthy stuff? Keep America fat.
  • I have noticed a large increase in the number of memes and comments by the Trumpers that are derogatory toward Democrats since the midterms. They even dust off old Obama and Clinton slurs. Facts be damned. 
  • Often times free stuff is way overpriced.
  • Do the 800K federal employees who are either furloughed or working without pay count as employed in the Labor Department jobs statistics?
  • Oxymoron: premium economy airline seating.
  • It always seems strange to me when I see an advertisement for one TV channel like TBS or FX on another network like NBC or CBS. 
  • The Texas Roadhouse steakhouse chain was founded in Indiana and is headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky. False advertising. 
  • The University of Oklahoma goes by the initials OU. Apparently, dyslexia is very common in amohalkO. 
  • A local TV commercial for an eye surgeon starts out with the doctor saying "If you have cataracts, you are lucky". He then says something about many options. Really, you are lucky? I feel very unlucky that I don't have cataracts so I can have surgery and pay large medical bills. 
  • If the #TrumpShutdown causes the IRS to delay tax refunds, can we also delay tax payments if we owe money? I'm guessing NO.
  • Sometimes it is almost impossible to tell the fake from the real commercials on Saturday Night Live. A sad commentary on the real ones.
  • Why do TV sports programs have aerial coverage of indoor events?
  • It's amazing how prices and salaries have changed over the years. Some of the dollar figures spouted on old TV shows are really low. $50K was a fortune. 

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