
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Firing Line

There is a new TV program on PBS. It is titled Firing Line with Margaret Hoover. It is supposed to be a reboot of the old William F. Buckley show. I saw Hoover on some show last week plugging the new program. She said it would be true to the original, a half hour broadcast with only one guest. Hoover is a conservative and hinted that the guests would primarily be from the left or at least a moderate. She would then debate them over the issues of the day like Buckley did starting in the 1960's and running until 1999. 

Well, that is not exactly what I saw on her first show. Her guest was Gretchen Carlson, the ex-Fox News anchor and now chairwoman of the Miss America board. Carlson and Hoover are longtime friends and it showed. This was not a debate, but rather two old friends supporting each other. It was nowhere near a debate as promised. Both women are conservatives and in lockstep. It turned out to be a mutual admiration society. 

There were some women's rights issues discussed and they showed short clips from the old Buckley program. Nothing very stimulating or informative. Certainly no confrontation between the host and guest. 

Cordial, non-confrontational, self-promoting shows have their place. The Talk, The Tonight Show, Ellen, and others do this. My objection is that the new Firing Line has been promoted as a reboot of the old Firing Line. I used to watch that program to hear debates about the issues and probably learn a new word or two. Margaret Hoover is no William Buckley and her new show is not anything like its namesake. A little bait and switch.

Just like New Coke was not really Coca-Cola, this show is not really Firing Line.

I'll probably give Hoover one more view to see if this first episode was the norm or an aberration. So far, not so good.

Nationally it is broadcast on PBS on Friday evenings. Here in DFW it is aired on Sunday evenings on KERA (13). 


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